How to create a ramdisk?

Whether you have SSD with NVME Protocol or good old HDD, It is not going to make you feel superior than your Random Access Memory or RAM.
By creating a ramdisk, you can use your unused memory as a super fast disk space and work with it. I do need to use nginx and for caching, I always go to tmpfs which is filesystem type that typically uses ram. How do I create one?
Processes are –
sudo mkdir /tmp/myramdisk sudo chmod 777 /tmp/myramdisk
Fstab entry –
myramdisk /tmp/myramdisk tmpfs defaults,size=1G,x-gvfs-show 0 0
Now, every boot, there will be a ramdisk named myramdisk for you. By the way, mount with mount -a
Thank you for reading this. This is kind of a journal.