How to run Python Flask Application?

I mostly use Python Flask when I need to develop a Web App or API.

Why? Because it is:
- lightweight
- Very Flexible
- Micro-Service Friendly
- Fast Development
These are one of the main reasons I choose Flask. But mostly I love to code with Flask. There are so many ways to run flask applications. I will write some of them here with code examples.
Let us assume a micro web application named having code –
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello_world(): return "<p>Hello, World!</p>" if __name__ == "__main__": host="", port=7557 )
I can run this application with several ways.
Way 1: Run Flask application with flask command itself
$ flask run
$ python3 -m flask run
But both of them Will run with default flask port, which is 5000, instead of the port mentioned in the code. If we run this way, we can change the port by passing –host and –port parameter.
Way 2: Running the with python3 or python itself
$ python3
This way, application will run if and only if you call the function The host and port declared in the application will be used.
Way 3: Running flask app with Gunicorn
$ gunicorn app:app
This will run the application but default gunicorns host and port. We can change it by passing parameters.
We can also run with gunicorn using configuration file.
Gunicorn configuration can be written with a default file named
import multiprocessing bind = "" workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1
This configuration file is with python syntax.
$ gunicorn app:app -c
Way 4: Running flask app with uWSGI
$ uwsgi --http --wsgi-file --callable app
We can also use a config file for uWSGI.
$ uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
[uwsgi] module = app:app master = true processes = 2 threads = 2 enable-threads = true http = :9229 vacuum = true die-on-term = true harakiri = 200 # close process exceeding this time (seconds) stats = :21913 logger = file:logfile=Logs/uwsgi.log,maxsize=1000000
This file is a good configuration running flask with uWSGI.
There are several more ways to run flask applications. I will update this post when I can arrange an exciting way about this. Thank you for reading.